Way to Promote Your Business – Community Events

In a small town, there are only a few opportunities to get involved in your community or get in front of area consumers as a way to promote your business.

Participating in a community festival or event is a wonderful platform for you to get involved.

Your participation in this type of event with a financial sponsorship, booking and hosting a vendor booth space and you and/or your staff volunteering your time and talents are all excellent ways to connect with others, build professional relationships, build good will and put your business out there in front of area consumers in a positive and credible way.

Community Festivals Community Events Way to Promote Your Business

Community festivals and events not only attract area residents and consumers, but can also attract people outside of local residents through tourism efforts and word of mouth.

Corporate Sponsorships, Vendor Booths and Volunteerism with a community event or festival is not the only way to promote your business, get involved in your community and in front of your target market, but it is becoming increasingly important to add this type of advertising to your overall marketing plan.

As a way to promote your business through community involvement, you can:
• Drive traffic
• Increase company or product awareness
• Provide business visibility
• Enhance your public profile
• Gain positive publicity
• Build deeper community networks

It is very important to have a complete marketing plan so that you are not just “shooting in the dark” with your time and money spent to advertise, promote and market your business so that you can get the most return on your investment.

As a company to participate in any event or opportunity, you should evaluate: who is your target audience, what is the opportunity’s media exposure plan, what do they plan to do for their sponsors, what kind of support will be provided by the organizer and exactly what is the sponsorship money purchasing…

Involvement in your community demonstrates your concern for where you live or work which can greatly improve your company or organization’s public image as well as to build good will in your community. Being more visible will create awareness for your company which can lead to increased sales.

Sponsorships can often generate media coverage that may not have been available otherwise.

So what can a company expect to receive in return for a community event sponsorship?
• Different Advertisement Opportunities for Different Sponsorship Levels or Options
• Advertisement on Event Promotional Materials
• Corporate Logo on Event Advertisements
• Sponsorship Status on Event Brochure
• Sign/Banner Opportunities (Stage, Railing, Street Poles, etc.)
• Corporate Press Release with Event Press Kits
• Mentions in TV/Radio Advertising

Company participation can drive traffic, increase your sales, influence public opinion, indicate leadership, launch new products, etc.

Be an active player – use sponsorship investments for public relations, social media efforts and any available advantages from your participation.

Donating your time and talents are often as valuable as you money as your market your business so join a team or project that fits your time, talents and expertise. Some of the most valuable relationships have been built through working together on community projects. Getting involved gives a high degree of visibility.

Community Events – a Way to Promote Your Business

Your efforts and concern for your community and community involvement must be genuine. Self-centered giving can have a negative effect rather than positive. Evaluate each opportunity as presented and make your decision to participate after you have carefully considered: the opportunity, the benefits, return on investment and your motives for participating.

To recap, your participation and involvement with festivals and other community events can have a positive impact on your company and your bottom line and nothing can help your business than an enhanced business profile and positive publicity through media.

Being a Team Player is always a good business decision and setting aside a portion of your marketing budget of time and money can definitely be beneficial as well as rewarding to you and your business.
Best wishes on all of your business and marketing decisions!

Here is more information about several community festivals and events that you may have an interest:

Leeds Creek Bank Festival

Moody Oktoberfest Annual Festival

Hartselle Depot Days Annual Festival


Dona Bonnett Consultant-Coach

Dona Bonnett

Dona Bonnett is a business and marketing coach and consultant who specializes in helping companies grow. For more information on how Dona can help your business grow, please visit her website at www.adrBMS.com or contact her at 256.345.3993.