National Compliment Day

This week, we’ll be celebrating National Compliment Day which is this Friday, January 24.  Yes, it’s exactly what it sounds like. This is the day to compliment everyone on…something. Remember when Mama said, “If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all?  Well, this day personifies that statement. It’s all about spreading positivity, boosting confidence and giving everyone a reason to smile.

This week, we'll be celebrating National Compliment Day which is this Friday, January 24.  Yes, it's exactly what it sounds like. This is the day to compliment everyone on...something. Remember when Mama said, “If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all?  Well, this d

Giving compliments to the people you know and love is easy. You already love them so it should be a cinch to find something to compliment. Your spouse made you a meal? “That was great honey, you’re such a good cook.” Your best friend got a promotion? “You’re so smart, such a hard worker!” It’s a snap to give compliments to the ones you love.

Giving compliments to strangers, however, can be life-changing for those people. Telling a mother struggling with an unruly child that she’s doing a good job parenting can lift her spirits. Complimenting a server on their work ethic and fantastic personality may just make their day, especially, if it’s accompanied by a good tip to show that you’re sincere.

If you know a local business owner or like a local shop, what better compliment you can give them than shop at their store and give them a shout-out on social media.

You can definitely spread the love and compliment the folks you interact with on social media. It may not seem as important as complimenting someone in person, but what matters is making people feel good. Complimenting a local business on social media can go a long way in supporting their business efforts so it’s a great way to help them raise awareness about their company.  If you decide to compliment on social media, add the hashtag #NationalComplimentDay when you do to reach more people. Be sure to challenge your friends and family to participate in Compliment Day.

If you are at a loss for something to compliment, you can Google for ideas.  Here’s a website that has 100 compliment ideas:

Please remember that the compliments need to be genuine, and by the way, you are pretty awesome. You know that, right? Yeah!

Dona Bonnett Business & Marketing Consultant, Marketing Coach, Affordable Websites and More

Dona Bonnett is a marketing coach and website designer who specializes in helping companies grow. For more information on how Dona can help your business grow, please  contact her at 256.345.3993.